A Busy Month

Readers sometimes imagine that a writer spends all her time sitting at her desk writing. In actual fact, writing new words would take up less than half of my working life. A lot of ‘writing’ time is spent rewriting and editing. And then there are all the other things. Over the last month, I have been very busy. Flat out, in fact. But I have not written a single word.

I have been preparing for and then giving 38 talks to schools, in Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne, and at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Preparing for my MWF Melbourne’s Hidden Dragon Walks, in particular took a lot of time. A couple of my dragons had gone missing, and I need to find some others.Then when I’d found new ones, I needed to research their histories.

I had a lot of correspondence to catch up on after that — emails, snail mail, blog posts. There are more talks to plan for later in the year and people are already asking me if I want to attend events next year. I’ve been thinking about ideas for future books and pitched the next two to my publisher.

As well as all the writing stuff, I do also have a private life and much of that has been taken up with the lead up to my daughter Lili’s wedding. (She organised it all, I just ran a few errands.)

Now that the wedding is over and the talks are done, it’s time for me to get back to my real job, which is writing books. I’m looking forward to it.

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