Blood Brothers is Now On Sale

The fourth book in the Dragonkeeper series, Blood Brothers, is on sale now in Australia in all good bookshops.

Don’t believe me? Here it is on the shelf at Readings, Carlton.

It is in hardback and the recommended retail price is $24.95.

Having a W name, it usually means my books are on the bottom shelf which isn’t good. (Some authors choose a name that will be at eye level.)

However, there is one compensation. I am shelved alongside some great authors, including Scott Westerfeld and Tim Winton, and of course Lili Wilkinson!


13 responses to “Blood Brothers is Now On Sale

  1. That’s great, I love the dragonkeeper series and I’m looking forward to reading this, your writing is wonderful by the way, beautiful descriptions and plots. 🙂

  2. who’s Lili Wilkinson?

    ps…….My dad is reading it he thinks its great!!!!

  3. James,Guillaume,
    Maybe. It will depend on whether my publisher wants me to write another book. I hope so. I have some ideas.

  4. I’ve only just discovered the Dragon Keeper series after one very lucky day at a second hand store where I found the first two books. I completed the first book in less than 24hours (yesterday) and am now avidly reading the second one. I went hunting today for the third book and I discovered the fourth … I have to say I have a new favorite author and a series to keep with me forever!!!

  5. Hi I’m 12 I have read all of your other books but my parents won’t buy me this fourth one cause its price is quite high do you know where I can get a cheaper price?

    P.S The other books are great but I like your first one the best

  6. Thomas,
    I don’t set the prices in bookshops, I’m afraid. You will just have to shop around. Or wait until it comes out in paperback (I don’t know when that will be.)

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