Sugar Sugar isn’t the only book I have written that is out this month. Also just published is the paperback edition of The Dragon Companion which is an A-Z encyclopedia of dragons with lots of information about dragons and stories as well.
Check out the great microsite on the black dog books website which shows you what the book’s like inside. This edition is a bigger format, so Dean Jones’ gorgeous dragon illustrations are bigger and scarier. This is the illustration of the Iranian dragon.
I live in Singapore and Im STILL searching for it since last march!!!
oh,BTW,congrats on sugar sugar:)
I’m really sorry that you can’t find it. It is very frustrating, but distribution of books is something I have nothing to do with.
I have emailed my publisher to try and get more information.
Hi,is it possible to order dragon companion frm you?
I haven’t got an answer back from my publisher, sorry. You can’t buy the book from me. I don’t sell them, but you can buy one online from black dog books at
I’m really sorry it’s been so difficult for you, but if no publisher wants to publish it in a country, there is just nothing I can do about it.
Hi Carole.its ok.I reserved it in my library and it rocks.I always thought Danzi WAS a chinese dragon.I didnt know you made him up
Glad to hear that you have finally found a copy of the book.