The launch of Dragon Moon went very well. Lots of people came, friends and family and readers who I hadn’t met before. Everyone seemed to think that the Chinese Museum was a great place to have the launch. There were some prizes and Lachlan, who comments on this blog, won one of them.
The Chinese Consul for Cultural Affairs, Gao Wei, officially launched the book and Faith from Ruyton banged the gong to mark the occasion. I signed books under the watchful eye of a Chinese Dragon.
Afterwards I had dinner in Chinatown with some of my family. It was a great day.
Sounds like so much fun.
Wish I could have made it.
Well i think it went really well and the tea was nice.
ooooooh, damn…i wish i had known earlier, i would have come! im sitting here, on the 5th of may at 3:00! i missed it by four hours 🙁
maybe next time…. 🙂
i love your books.i am hoping to see dragon moon’s US edition in Singapore
Sorry you missed the launch.
Wong Cheuk Kay,
You don’t have to wait for the US edition of Dragon Moon. The Australian editions of the Dragonkeeper series are available in Singapore through Bookaburra books
All three books should be available.
Sounds like a very good place to have it…. wish I was there…. I like the photos
I read Drangon moon and loved it! I was tearful when i closed the book..even though it was not sad. I tried to read the glossary, to convince myself that the book was not yet finished… *sighs*
Yes it was a good venue for the launch. Glad you like the photos.
I was a bit tearful when I wrote the ending.
..i see =D Its sad the book had come to an ending. Well, i guess they cant go on forever… [plot spoiler deleted] *sniffles*
I had to edit your last comment as it gave away too much of the story for those who haven’t read it yet.
..ahh..wells. =D I guess a surprise is a surprise!
I hate it
Sorry you didn’t like it. Can’t please everyone I guess.
Hey Carole,
Nearly finished Dragonmoon cant put it down (hehe)
its the best series ive ever read and i hope you make more like it. Ok better be off goin to read some more 😛 cya.
That’s what I like to hear! Hope you like the ending.
Hey carole,
Liesel again finished it a day after i sent the other comment but was to busy to get back on. I thought it was absolutely brilliant the best of all. I knew that when Ping had that flash and saw [plot spoilers removed] cant wait to read more of your books and i hope you make some more like this one.
P.S. did i mention it was the best trilogy EVER!! (haha)
thanks for your praise. Sorry I had to remove your comments on the plot. I don’t want to spoil if for those who haven’t read it. I don’t know what I’ll be writing next, I’m still thinking about it.
Hey Poo!
Dont you come spamming here saying you dislike it! >:( No wonder u have such a display name… i wont approve of it!
can’t wait to read it pls make it into a movie
Hi Carole, love ya books i’m reading them for the 20th time!!!!!!!!have not yet read the 3rd but will shortly i wish you could write more than 3 but every thing must come a end. maybe one day it can become a movie. Why did you make Liu che evil though it happened in history he was ping’s only friend. Do you beleive in dragons?
Dragon’s are acuttaly real i watch alot of discovery shows and in Norway 2006 the men went down into a icey cave and fond 2 burnt vikings and a bat like beast 15m long and it had a wing spand of 10m wouldn’t wanna run into that! it was said by them that it was alive at the time of the dinosaurs but dragon slayers came along in 988a.d and killed them…
p.s I don’t have a website and i’m not making this up
p.p.s thay could fly and breath fire because of lung time ballons
POO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you enjoyed the first two books. I think three is enough. I’m looking forward to writing something a bit different.
Hehe! Stories can go on and on, so 3 i guess was a pretty accuarte number for novels. ANYTHING may happen, so Carol can’t just write on and on~! xD
Dragons are sorta like dinosaurs but better. I believe they’re real!!! You sure did alot of research there Connor!
I found this out on a tv program and sadly thay look nothing like chinese dragons
Hi Carole;
Our family purely enjoyed our nightly reading of Dragon Keeper half a year ago. In Canada, we’ve been waiting, waiting so long, and trying to be patient for the release of ‘Garden of the Purple Dragon’. Hopefully, it’s released this July 2007, but I’m seeing dates as far as 2008! Now, we see there’s ‘Dragon Moon’ and yet another! Yikes! This is wonderful but why do we have to wait so long here in Canada?
We love your work: Thank you so much! Way to go!!
Lovely to hear that your family enjoyed Dragon Keeper. Garden of PD should be out in hardback in July. The 2008 dates are the paperback edition, I assume. Dragon Moon will be out early 2008.
As to why you have to wait so long, you’ll have to take that up with the US publisher. I have absolutely no control over publication dates.
hehe… just as long they are dragons will do for me! I doubt they’ll look like chinese dragons if they’re found somewhere else… unless the dragons migrated overseas!! xD
That is a little bit funny
Carole did u beleive in Dragons before u wrote this book
p.s In the Ramose sires Ramose was a real person how come u told us to make up the ending
p.p.s Lucy wonder how thay did migrate
Hi Carole,
What made u want to write the Dragonkeeper sires
I wanted to write a dragon story and Chinese dragons are my favourite.
Ramose was a real person, but historians think he died young because he disappeared from history. I made up a story that gave a different reason for why he disappeared. It is fiction, but using a person who really existed.