Another whirlwind trip, this time to Adelaide. The Dragon Moon event at Dymocks Rundle Mall went well. Thanks to Marion and the staff for organising it.
Here I am with Marion of Dymocks and with a reader.
I visited three schools—St Peters Woodlands, Pedare College and Seaview High. I also found the time to look up some dragon stuff at the State Library of SA (that’s the beautiful sandstone building below).
I liked the piggies statue in Rundle Mall as well.
Now, if bins were like that in Melbourne… 😛
To Marvin and Claire, I can order in Dragonmoon to the book shop on campus. Check again with your local book store, and if you can’t find it, ask at the counter. 90% of the time, those people are nice. 😀
wow, i would love to see a pig digging in my garbage can in the morning!
im looking on ebay now, to see if i can get a edition of your book, not looking good so far on my search, 🙁
im really keen to get the book before everyone else does here in canada,
Krystal, Matt.
I loved the pigs. There were about five of them spread around the mall, all sniffing around.
Matt I’m pleased you are so keen to get the next book!
Huh? Are thoes piggies sniffing at the litter bin?! Wow… i never knew adelaide was so creative! 😀
You’re so lucky, travelling around australia to launch Dragon moon. too bad i missed sydneys!