Dragon Moon mini-tour

Dragon Moon is in the shops now! (In Australia) And I am going on a little tour to celebrate. I will be in Sydney first.

Monday 2 April at the Children’s Bookshop in Beecroft at 6.30pm. Click here to see the information about this free event on their website.

The following week I will be in Adelaide.

Thursday 12 April at 6pm Dymocks on Rundle Mall

I’ll be talking about Dragon Moon and the Dragonkeeper trilogy, and I can sign books if anyone wants me to. So if you can get to either of those bookshops, come and say hello.

Back in Melbourne, there will be an official launch for Dragon Moon on Sunday 22 April at 3pm (location tba). I will also be visiting the following Melbourne bookshops.

Mon 23 April 5pm Readings Hawthorn 701 Glenferrie Rd

Sat 28 April 11am Readings Port Melbourne 253 Bay St

Sat 5 May 11am Mockingbird Bookshop 377 Mont Albert Road.

43 responses to “Dragon Moon mini-tour

  1. Hi Carole,

    So exciting! I simply have to have it! My mum went out to the shopping center about 15mins ago and as soo as I saw your blog entry I called her and said “mum you have to go to a bookshop and get dragon moon today!!!!”

    sadly I am in perth and cannot get to either of those bookshops. BOO HOO!!!

  2. wow i got it 3 days ago and ive already finished i could not put it down but i live on the gold coast so i can’t get to them places(boohoo) it has such a good ending

  3. Dan,
    I’m very pleased to hear that you liked it, especially the ending.
    I will be up on the Gold Coast in May.

  4. i just wish that i had a dragon so that i could fly to austrailia. to the bookshop.

  5. YAY!! Thanks for bringing out in Sydney 1st!!! I haven’t got it yet but i’m going to.
    I CAN’T WAIT!!

  6. Hey!
    I live in Melbourne and I’m headin out to Knox shopin centre on monday and i can’t wait to get it!!!!!!!
    I can’t believe that it is finally out!!!!
    woo hoo

  7. aww…i’m a full-time uni student now, and don’t have a lot of money…I’ll see if UniText has it. They might. I so wanna read it now.

  8. I’ve just read it a few days ago and it was really good. Too bad it was the last book. P.S i live in Melbourne.
    Thanks a lot 4 your hard work!!!!!

  9. If you do not want to become jealous DO NOT read the following sentence: I have Dragon Moon and have finished it!
    The Dragonkeeper triolgy is the BEST!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Carole for a great series.

  10. Nhien, Alexander,
    Very pleased to hear you liked Dragon Moon. Thanks for your comments.

    Check out your local library. It should have Dragon Moon. Also at universities that offer teacher training, the libraries should have my books. I know the Education Resource Library at Melb Uni has most of my books.

    Jen, Marv, Jacqueline,
    I hope you have all been able to get copies.

    Sansthita, Samuel,
    Sorry you have to wait. I have no control over when my books come out in other countries.

  11. Really? They TEACH with your books?! Wow, one up for me in three years. I planned to be a primary teacher, but didn’t do too well. When we go back after easter, I’ll see if it’s there. Worse comes to worse, there’s a store at Southern Cross I’ll look at on a tuesday morning. 😛

  12. Krystal,
    Some schools do use my books as class texts. I’m amazed at some of the class work teachers come up with that is related to my books. The ERC library has lots of kids’ books as a resource, whether used in classes or not. I suppose they are there so student teachers can familiarise themselves with the books available to their students.

  13. I’ve read Dragon Moon and it’s fantastic!! It’s really disappointing that the Dragonkeeper series is finished, though.

  14. dragon moon was great!

    i finished it the other day. i wasen’t expecting what happened to happen it was great! the ending was awsome! i came home to find my mum had bought the book and read almost half of it. i loved it!


  15. i loved dragon moon sooo much!
    the dragon keeper series has to be my fav book series in the world!!
    i love your writing and i think the fighting seen was the best piece of writing i have read in a long time!

  16. For all those people who live in other countries, if you really want the DragonKeeper Trilogy books then you could try looking on websites like Ebay and that. they might have it there!

  17. Claire,
    I have no firm dates for visiting Perth as yet, but as soon as anything is decided, I’ll put it on my blog.

  18. hi its maddy.late last year i posted a comment that was about how books are beautiful and i live on them and how theyve helped my character as me and my life.i am 11 and i read lots. i really want the new book. ive realised im obsessed with dragons.iv found that eragon is actually like the dragon in your story. not because of who she is but of the dragon and iron and stuff like that.reading keeps me going and u have inspired me. ive read th first 2 twice … thrice…..maybe even 4 tiumes .

    i think u need to right a fourth because it inspies so many people.i havent read the third but noing theres another one makes u want to live .
    i hope uve been inspired by my letter and write a 4th .

    reading keeps me alive!

    p.s. im having a bit of trouble because im so smart and people think im nerdy and i just want to0 be friends. i have friends but its really hard in class because im giving my answer and it might be abit long and kids yell out “shut up”
    what should i do/


  19. Hello Carole,

    I am so glad that “Dragon Moon” has been released!!! It is such a fantastic book…definitely the best in the series!!!

    I was at shops with my friends and we were going through Angus And Robertson as a route to get to another shop, and we were just quickly passing the Children’s Books section and I just glanced at the “W” section (I glanced very quickly as my friends wanted to me to get a move on) and low and behold I found your book tucked peacefully and quietly next to “Dragonkeeper” and “Garden of the Purple Dragon.” When I saw that you new book was there I literally jumped in the air because I was so happy, and straight away I bought the book without hesitation!!!

    That’s the story of how I found your amazing, breathtaking and marvellous book!!

    Thankyou for putting in so much hard effort of writing the book all for me! It is a triumph!!!


  20. Hi Madi,
    I’m glad to hear that you have got so much pleasure from my books, and that they inspire you.
    Do you like to write?
    When I write my books I have an editor who crosses bits out sometimes because I’ve made a section too long. It’s hard if you have a lot to say to make it shorter, but maybe that’s what you need to do. It’s up to you, though.

  21. Josh,
    thanks for your comments. I’m very pleased to hear that you liked Dragon Moon and thought it was the best in the series. It was very satisfying for me to write it, to finish off the story.

  22. Kyle,
    sorry I missed your post. You are certainly a keen reader,getting the book from UK! I haven’t given up hope on the possibility of a movie. One day all the pieces might fall into place.

  23. I have finally got dragon moon! I am up to the bit where they are climbing up the serpent’s tail.
    I can’t put it down! It is so exciting!

  24. Claire,
    Glad to hear that you finally got the book and that you are enjoying it. I hope the rest of the book lives up to your expectations.
    Could you let me know the bookshops in Perth where you couldn’t find the book?

  25. Hi Carole
    i just finished dragon moon it made me cry whe Ping left Kai. I dont wont you to stop wrighting the dragonkeeper series they are the best books ever. Please can you wright one more.

    Also have you ever thought about wright a screen play for the series it think it would be a great blockbuster hit.

    always reading, your loyal fan Joseph

  26. hi,

    i live in new zealand and am just wondering when ‘dragon moon’ comes out,

    when will it be available to buy in N.Z?

    i am also a big fan of your books,


  27. J,
    I don’t know exactly when it will be available in New Zealand. It shouldn’t be long. I’ll see if I can find out from my publisher.

  28. Hi, i’m a big fan of your books. I am chinese and reading dragonkeeper was very inspiring and i would definitely recommend it to others. Thanks for writing your inspirational books!

  29. i really liked the book it was very interesting and i like the topic china and dragonsand i found it inspirational in many ways.

  30. Patrick,
    I’m glad to hear that the book inspired you. As you probably guessed, China and dragons are two of my favourite topics.

  31. Joseph,
    Sorry about the delay in replying to your comment. I don’t know why but it only just popped up. I’m afraid I have no plans to write another Dragonkeeper book. Sorry. I’d like the books to be made into films but I’m still waiting for someone to come along and say they have millions of dollars to get the film made.

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