Merry Christmas

A slightly belated Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.

Finished that draft. Got a cold. Body collapsed. Spent most of the last week in bed. Not to worry, it was an excuse to do nothing except  eat chocolates (cough supressant so Lili tells me) and watch 15 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.

I’m fine now….but still on holidays!

Xmas dog

It was Rita’s first Christmas. She knew there was a ball under the Christmas tree, but couldn’t work out why we’d wrapped it up in paper. We told her she wasn’t allowed to take it (till Christmas morning), so she just sat under the tree with it!

5 responses to “Merry Christmas

  1. Well, at least she knew she wasn’t allowed to take it yet. Hope you feel better, and luck for the new year.

  2. Hello Carole!
    i wrote a comment on your last blog, you might want to check it out!
    i have a dog too- her name is Minti, she is a bichion crossed with a cavilier. She had a marvilous christmas with lots of presents from our friends. Can you believe it- she has her own STOCKING! i hope that you had a merry christmas!
    and a happy new year!
    from ELLY!

  3. Hello, this is the 1st time i am leaving a comment.
    By the way, when will Dragon Moon be realeased [in singapore]?
    i just finished GArden of the purple dragon…
    I am totally looking forward to the book! 🙂

  4. Krystal, Elly, Joel,
    Thanks for your greetings and good wishes. I’m well again now.
    Joel, Dragon Moon will be released in Singapore shortly after the Australian publication in April.
    Elly, your dog sounds even more spoiled than Rita!

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