It’s been nearly a month since my appearance on ABC Me’s News to Me segment, and I’ve finally plucked up the courage to watch it. They did edit out most of what I said about about my book Inheritance, but it wasn’t too cringeworthy!
If you want to see me with styled hair, here is the link.
I’m going to be giving this a read!
hi carole! im doing a book assignment about you at school. i have a couple of questions
whats is your favourite colour.
what is your favourite food.
I’m probably way to late for your assignment. My favourite colour is is purple. I like lots of kinds of food! Special favourites are Japanese food.
Hi Carole! I really love your books and I was wondering a bit more about how you get all you amazing ideas for your books and how long it usually takes for you to write a DragonKeeper book because I would love to get into writing books, and your a big inspiration!