Readers’ Art

It’s been a while since I received any artwork from readers, so I was delighted to get this beautiful picture from Nadia, who is using her time in lockdown to illustrate some of her favourite books. It shows Hei Lei flying over the yellow pool in Dragon Moon, and Danzi flying through a forest from … Continued

Accidental trilogy about sailing to Australia

It wasn’t until I was doing last minute edits to Matthew Flinders: Adventures on Leaky Ships that I realised my three most recent non-fiction books have all been about sailing to Australia – an accidental trilogy! Ten Pound Pom The first was my own story. I was only 12 years old when, in 1963, I sailed … Continued

My Superpower

I have a super power. It’s not superhuman strength or x-ray vision. I can’t shapeshift. But, I can find the long-lost remains of dead historical personages. I do that by writing a book about them. Ned Kelly My powers were slow to develop, Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly was published back in 2002. It wasn’t … Continued

Black Snake Download Now Working

Fingers crossed the download of the Black Snake audiobook is now working properly. If you are still having issues, please let me know. Email me: To those who have had to download it via Dropbox and deal with other issues, thank you for your patience and your ongoing support of this book.

Looking for home schooling ideas for kids?

2020 was going to be a big year of celebrations marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook’s first sighting of Australia, but thanks to the coronavirus most of the events (including a circumnavigation of the country by a replica of Cook’s ship the Endeavour) have been cancelled. Perhaps they’ll be postponed till later. Who knows? … Continued

Accessing Black Snake for Schools

A number of schools (particularly in Queensland) have been great supporters of my book about Ned Kelly, Black Snake. And I’ve heard from some of them lately as they try to source copies of the book to arrange online classes. Hard Copy Books Firstly, there are plenty of copies in stock for those students who … Continued

Putting Australia on the Map

I’ve been so busy getting my next book ready to go to the printers, I forgot to celebrate the “book birthday” of my latest book which has been in the shops since 1 March. It’s a non-fiction book called Putting Australia on the Map. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world, but no … Continued

A Dragonkeeper movie!

The question I am asked most (after “can you write another Dragonkeeper book!”) is “Why don’t you make a Dragonkeeper movie?”. I always used to say, I’m not a movie producer. It’s a very complicated job making a movie. But fortunately, an actual movie producer contacted me and he (and a million other people) are … Continued

Dymocks Bookclub

I am very pleased to be speaking at the Dymocks Camberwell’s First Tuesday Book Club in March. Also feeling privileged to be sitting alongside some wonderful authors — Aleesah Darlison, Hazel Edwards and Karen Viggers. We will be talking about our latest books, or in Hazel’s case celebrating a significant book birthday. I’ll be talking … Continued

Carole on TV

It’s been nearly a month since my appearance on ABC Me’s News to Me segment, and I’ve finally plucked up the courage to watch it. They did edit out most of what I said about about my book Inheritance, but it wasn’t too cringeworthy! If you want to see me with styled hair, here is … Continued