Fly Catching

So getting inspiration is one thing. Having an idea, even a detailed idea is great, but then you have to write the story. There are so many things you can do to procrastinate. Here are a few I did today: Skype Lili, make an appointment at the hairdressers, chat to a friend on the way … Continued

Rita’s Hobbies

I haven’t done a post about my dog Rita for a while. She’s about 18 months old now and very smart. Her favourite thing in the whole world is her ball. She is obsessed with it. She wants us to throw if for her all day long. While I’m at the computer I have to … Continued

Merry Christmas

A slightly belated Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. Finished that draft. Got a cold. Body collapsed. Spent most of the last week in bed. Not to worry, it was an excuse to do nothing except  eat chocolates (cough supressant so Lili tells me) and watch 15 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. I’m fine now….but … Continued

Rita at 7 months

The first draft of Dragon Moon is finished, so I am having a bit of a breather before I start on the second draft. Not that I’m sitting around doing nothing. There are final touches to be done to what will be my next book The Jerilderie Letter which is an illustrated version of Ned … Continued

Prize-winning Dog

Our puppy, Rita, just graduated from puppy school. At first I thought we would be drawing lots to see who got to go out in the cold every Monday night to take Rita to her classes. Not at all. Once we’d experienced it, we all wanted to go. And we did–me, my husband John and … Continued

New Family Member

I thought a blog attached to my website would make it easier for me to keep my “Latest News” up-to-date. It will also give visitors to the website an opportunity to comment. And I can talk about…well, anything! Most importantly, I want to show the world our new puppy! Her name is Rita. Isn’t she … Continued