More Bonus Material

There is some new free stuff on my Downloads page.  I’ve written a Prologue to the fourth Dragonkeeper book, Blood Brothers, called Leaving Home. I was interested to read the reaction to J K Rowling’s recent comments about how Hermione should have ended up with Harry and not Ron. Firstly. No. Wrong. But also, I … Continued

ebook Dragonkeeper series now available

I’ve had people asking me when the Dragonkeeper series will be available as ebooks for years. And I’m pleased to say digital editions are now available! You can get them in epub, Kindle and Kobo formats at iTunes, Bookworld, and Amazon. Stage fright, Sugar Sugar, Fromelles, Black Snake, Atmospheric and the Ramose series are also available as … Continued

Reader Creates Dragon Garden

Readers are often inspired to make drawings inspired by the books they read, but recently I got an email from a reader in New Zealand who has been inspired by Dragonkeeper to make a dragon garden in his backyard. And he sent me some photos. It looks lovely. Theo has a great collection of dragons. … Continued

Awards for Dragonkeeper series

The talented Sonia Kretshmar has won the Illustrators Australia Gold Award for a books series, for her fabulous covers for the Dragonkeeper series. Congratulations, Sonia. I love the covers, so I am delighted that they have been acknowledged in this way. You can see more of Sonia’s lovely artwork on her website. In other news, Blood … Continued

Sydney Visit in February

I will be visiting Sydney in February. Firstly, I will be speaking at the Alexander the Great Exhibition at the Australian Museum. Then there will be a Meet the Author event at the lovely Children’s Bookshop in Beecroft. I haven’t had an event in Sydney for a while, so I am really looking forward to … Continued

Israeli edition of Dragonkeeper

I recently received a copy of the Israeli edition of Dragonkeeper, which has been translated into Hebrew. It is always exciting to see how cover illustrators in different countries interpret my story.                   I like the darker colours of this cover and I am always pleased to … Continued

Download Lost Letter from Ping

There is a new downloads page here on my website. It has desktop wallpaper, sample chapters, even a Blood Brothers crossword! There is also a Lost Letter from Ping. This should be read in conjunction with the latest Dragonkeeper book, Blood Brothers. Everyone who has been emailing me asking what happened to Ping after the end … Continued

Lost Letter from Ping

Anyone who purchases a copy of Blood Brothers at the official Melbourne Writers Festival bookshop, Dymocks at Federation Square will also receive a copy of a lost letter from Ping. Blood Brothers is the 4th book in the Dragonkeeper series, and it is set 400 years after the end of Dragon Moon. Readers often ask … Continued

Day 5 of my Blog Tour

Today my blog tour piece is about reading my stories aloud and what age is too young. An interesting topic suggested by my host at thirteenredshoes.  

Advance Copies of Rejacketed Dragonkeeper Trilogy

Here are the new covers for the Dragonkeeper trilogy that match the Blood Brothers cover. Aren’t they gorgeous? Thanks again to Sonia Kretschmar for such beautiful illustrations. ADVANCE COPIES AVAILABLE AT SUPANOVA These new editions won’t be in the shops until May, but this weekend I will be signing at the Dymocks stand at the … Continued