Appleyard, R T 1988, The Ten Pound Immigrants, Boxtree, London

Artmonsky, Ruth & Cox, Susie 2012, P&O Across the Oceans, Across the Years: A Pictorial Voyage, Antique Collectors Club, Woodbridge

Gray, Bronwyn (ed.) c.1989, The Ten Quid Tourists, NWA, S. Aust.

Hammerton, A James & Thomson, Alistair 2005, Ten Pound Poms: Australia’s Invisible Migrants, Manchester University Press

Jenkins, Thomas 1969, We Came to Australia, Constable, London

Plowman, Peter 2006, Australian Migrant Ships: 1946–1977, Rosenberg Publishing, Dural, NSW

Zubrzycki, Jerzy 1995, Arthur Calwell and the Origin of Post War Immigration, Australian Gov. Pub. Service, Canberra


Websites and YouTube clips


Original Documents

P&O Orient Lines, Good Morning (SS Arcadia) 9 Mar–30 Mar 1963

Ross, Carole 1963, Trips I have Made, Vol. 4