Atmospheric Book Launch

The publication of every book is an important time, but the release of my latest book is particularly significant for me. It’s called Atmospheric: the burning story of climate change and it aims to inform young people about how we’ve mistreated our atmosphere for centuries, why that puts our climate at risk and what they (and all of … Continued

What I did on the Weekend

Last Saturday was Moving Planet day, an international day of action in support of renewable energy. Events were held in 175 countries. Here in Melbourne people got together to make a human sign of someone riding a bike. I am sitting near the knee. The event was coordinated by a group dedicated to spreading … Continued

Replace Hazelwood

Hazelwood power station is still there. Still churning out 650,000 black balloons full of greenhouse gases per minute. The other day I made a small donation to Environment Victoria to help them with their Replace Hazelwood Campaign. Straight afterwards, I went out and there was a brand new billboard above the Dim Sim factory just … Continued

Switch off Hazelwood!

I spent Sunday protesting outside the Hazelwood Power Station in Victoria. According to Environment Victoria it is Australia’s dirtiest power station, producing 17,000,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases every year. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) goes one step further and says it’s one of the worst in the world. Here are members of my climate change … Continued

Climate Change Petition

Like many people I am worried about climate change. I got so angry about the Australian Federal Government’s pathetic Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, that I have joined my local climate action group, Yarra Climate Action Now (YCAN). The targets are way too low and will not result in the emissions reduction that scientists tells us … Continued