Japanese Dragon Moon

I recently received my author copies of the Japanese edition of Dragon Moon. The Japanese covers for the Dragonkeeper series are all lovely. You can see the Dragon Moon cover here.

There are also black and white drawings inside the books—some at the beginning, and a small drawing at the beginning of each chapter, each one different and relevant to the chapter. They are really lovely, but I don’t even know the name of the illustrator.

Here are some examples from Dragon Moon.

15 responses to “Japanese Dragon Moon

  1. Wow I sure have not commented in a very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time! okay well I sure think that these pictures are amaziiing!!! I love Japan so much and im very pleased and happy that at school we are learning Japanese. I learned some things but im happy about it!:D Im also a very big fan od anime and manga so I started to draw some manga of my own.Some drawings are really good and i am very happy about them. but I just did not draw charecters. I tried actually drawing a chapter of my own manga. it was very fun but also alot of hard workand i’m still working on it. It’s really bad so it’s probaby not going to get published. But if I do a better copy it, it might. Who knows? life can be full of cool, amazing mysteries. Anyway I absolutely adore these drawings. I’d sure love to be as good as the artist!

  2. *of (insetad of od) sorry i type really fast so i don’t really know what mistakes i make. 🙁

  3. good point. I’ll take your advice. thanks. you are full of great ideas! no wonder you are my favourite writer based on history and other stuff!

  4. i really love your books and i really want you to write more dragon books. i love reading your books so much that sometimes my mum says to stop reading. ha ha ha. i like the dragon dawn , dragon keeper and the dragon moon. i haven’t read garden of the purple dragon yet but i looking forward to it.its so cool how the emperor likes ping. i really like dragons now they are sooooo cool.

    i also read manga and anime as well and watch there movies.

  5. i have a question i read the chapter book of the dragon keeper series and they look different.

  6. will you write another dragon keeper book about ping and jun. at the end of dragon moon i was thinking of so many things that could happen next like maybe after a couple of years kai needs ping. or the emperor finds out that jun and ping are together and gets jealous.

  7. i was really disappointed when i went to the library and they said that they didn’t have the garden of the purple dragon book so i went up to the lady and ask and luckily she said they could get a copy man was i happy

  8. Sarah,
    I’m not sure what you mean when you say you read the “chapter book” of the Dragonkeeper series. There are no different versions of the books, except for the covers. There have been two different covers in Australia, and in other countries the covers are often different (you can see them on the Dragonkeeper webpage). The publisher just wanted to change the covers. Inside the story is the same.
    No I am not going to write another book about Ping and Jun, I like the idea of readers imagining what happens next.
    Glad to hear that your library is going to get GoPD in for you. That’s great. Some people don’t realise that they can request that their library buys particular books.

  9. I really love this artwork! I came across it while my friends and I were making a book trailer.. we are making one in class and we chose your book Dragon Keeper. We all really love your books and find them very addictive! The trailer is almost finished and I’m really happy with it. I hope it encourages other people at my school to read the series! Thank you!

  10. Yes,
    The artwork is lovely. I’d be interested in having a look at the trailer when you have finished it. If that’s possible.

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