Publication Date for Dragon Moon

My publisher tells me that Dragon Moon will be in the bookshops on 27 March in Australia. It may take a few days for them to get them out of the boxes and onto the shelves.

18 responses to “Publication Date for Dragon Moon

  1. Cool. I just wish it could come out at the UK on the same date too. Oh well. It will be worth the wait.

  2. Marv,
    I hope it’s worth the wait. I’m getting nervous now it’s getting close.

  3. Wow! I have already pre-ordered it at my bookstore AND Library so I can get it off whichever arrives first!! I can’t wait!!!

  4. Claire,
    That’s very keen. I hope you enjoy it. (See previous comment about me getting nervous!)

  5. The kids at our school (Darley Primary) and I are very excited, but they aren’t happy about having to wait until after the holidays for me to read it to them!

  6. hi Carole, my name’s Sara and I’m 10 years old. I really liked your book (El jardin del dragon purpura) and I would like to know if there would be a following book. I’ve been so interested in this book that I’ve read it in 4 days. I would like to know if the following book is Dragon Moon
    and please, if Dragon Moon is not the following book, I really encourage you to write it because I really liked it. Lots of kisses and hugs from your fan Sara

  7. Wow i had no idear it was already out, i was at the book shop the other day looking for it but i didn’t no it was out at the time and they didn’t have it 🙁 me and my sister love this series, which is weird cuz we never like the same books

  8. Sara,
    Yes Dragon Moon is the third book in the series. The Spanish edition will be published next year. It is the last book in the series. Glad you liked the books.

  9. Rebecca,
    Dragon Moon should be available anywhere in Australia. Some book shops don’t have many kids’ books and might decide not to stock my books. If you go to a bookshop which has lots of kids’ books, I’m sure they’ll have it. I’m pleased to hear that your sister likes the books too.

  10. Hello Carole,
    I love your books and finished the second one in 3 days. You write so well that I couldn’t put the book down. I always wanted to see what will happen next. PLEASE dont stop writing. Lokking forward to reading your next book.
    From Sarah

  11. I was just wondering if you could write a book where Ping & Danzi are re-united and draw a war where they find lots of dragons and have a war with the human world? with Lu-Chi and all those

  12. Peter,
    thanks for the suggested story, but I have no plans to write another Dragonkeeper book. I’m pretty happy with the way the series ended. And I’m personally not a fan of war books. Thanks anyway.

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